Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Blogging Reflection

I think that this blog is a good way to keep track of experiences that I have had in my PDS. It was interesting to look back to what I wrote during my first semester as a tutor. I didn't post a lot, but I think what I did write helped me keep track of how my year went.

It is important to keep in contact with my blogging partner, small group facilitator, and PDS faculty because these people can give me feedback on my experiences that can be helpful to me as a grow as an educator. I think having a blogging partner is really helpful because she is in the same stage of the program as me and it is beneficial to compare my experiences with hers. We both will have different experiences and it is interesting to see how different some of them can be.

I think reflecting on the changes in the classrooms we are in during our time in our PDS as a participant would be good to reflect upon. As participants, we all will be in the school a lot longer so we will be able to see more things and compare the differences with our tutor year experiences to see how much we all have grown.

Hope-  Has your time in your PDS been what you expected it to be?

1 comment:

  1. My time at my PDS has been such a great experience. I have been able to learn so much working with the students and observing how teachers deal with everything that happens throughout the day. My time there is so much more than what I expected. I thought I would mostly sit at the teachers desk and observe maybe help out every so often. That's not at all how it has been. I have been able to work with the students one-on-one, in groups, and as a class. My teacher has never given me a second to be bored which is exactly what I wanted and needed!


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